Coiled cigarette power lead for scanning receiver models UBC120XLT, UBC220XLT, UBC2500XLT and UBC3000XLT
Extension Speaker to suit the MC2800, UM425 VHF, UM423 AM, UH012SX, UH015SX, UH400SX, UH400SX-RM, UH500SX, UH500SX-RM, PRO530XL, PRO630XL, UBCD996T and UBCT9.
Extension Speaker to suit the MC2800, UM425 VHF, UM423 AM, UH012SX, UH015SX, UH400SX, UH400SX-RM, UH500SX, UH500SX-RM, PRO530XL, PRO630XL, UBCD996T and UBCT9.
Belt Clip to suit the models UH060, UH047SX, UH043SX, GPS205, UH064SX and UH038SX.