Tips to keep the home secure while away With many people expected to take an extra-long break over the Easter weekend and Anzac Day period, now is the perfect time to look into ways to improve home security. Categories: Consumer Release - PR, PUBLIC RELATIONS, Security & Surveillance - PR, Trade Release - PRMarch 16, 2019 Share This Article Share on FacebookShare on Facebook TweetShare on Twitter Pin itShare on Pinterest Share on LinkedInShare on LinkedIn Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Uniden announces smart security products compatible with the Google AssistantNextNext post:Large screen and USB Charging, the Ultra Compact UHF CB mobile that suits any work or recreational vehicleRelated PostsRacer Holly Espray hits the track with Uniden for V8 SuperUte Series in BathurstOctober 26, 2024Uniden announces new executive general manager for OceaniaSeptember 18, 2024Uniden Adds Three New Baby Monitors to Award-Winning BabyWatch RangeJuly 26, 2024Uniden unveils new App Cam SOLO X home security rangeJuly 15, 2024Switch from screen time to the outdoors with the latest child-friendly techMay 4, 2024Enhancing neighbourhood safety with smart surveillance technologyApril 6, 2024